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This post is more than 5 years old


November 10th, 2011 20:00

Looking for suggestion on Antivirus + Printer

I have downloaded the Microsoft Security Essential antivirus for my window Vista 64 bit system. Is this antivirus efficient enough as compared with others?

Also suggest the best printer+ scanner for the  above said system ( With Model: Dell XPS M1330). 

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

November 11th, 2011 02:00



Try going to the Dell Printer Learning Center and it will help you decide what type of printer is best for you.




9 Legend


30.3K Posts

November 11th, 2011 02:00



Some people like Microsofe Essentials. I like and use FREE Avast Home Edition


Allowing Printer past McAfee

1. Open the McAfee Security Center and then click on the ‘Internet and Network’

2. To the right of ‘Internet and Network’ you would see all the services that are present under it, just below that you would have a button ‘Configure’ please click on that.

3. Now you would have the Internet and Network Configuration, in this window you would have an option ‘Firewall Protection in Enabled’ to the right of that you would have a downward arrow, click on that.

4. Then click on the ‘Advanced’ button which would have a new screen up.

5. To the left of that window you would have ‘System Services’ click on it and to the right pane of the window you would have the ports listed.

6. Please check the option which is for ‘Windows File Sharing’ then click on ‘Apply’ and then ‘Ok’

7. Restart the computer




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