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8 Posts


May 18th, 2023 01:00

Reached private message limit?


I'm trying to share information with an agent to solve an issue, but I can't reply to the private messages anymore, as I get the error "You have reached the limit for number of private messages that you can send for now.".

Can anyone please help me?

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

May 18th, 2023 04:00

The maximum for your private message Inbox and Sent is 50 messages each. All private messages are recorded in our backend tool. We cleaned up both your private message Inbox and Sent. Try again.

June 11th, 2023 06:00

I have exactly the same problem, I only have 7 messages from Dell in my inbox and 1 message in my sent so can't see where the 50 messages per box applies

4 Posts

July 13th, 2023 12:00

Getting the same thing  trying to reply with my code. I sent 0 messages and im getting this error. Dealing with Dell has been the most rediculous experience and im at a disbelief at how bad this whole thing is.

- Financal Services CONSTANTYL has Error 4444 issues so you cant check anything
- Calling doesnt work - their phone lines ask for 3 digits found in your postal code and when you put it in nothing happens
- When you try to message with your order number it will say you reached the maximum number of messages????????????
- Talking on forums the mods just tell you to try the other useless methods of reaching for help. 

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