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April 5th, 2022 09:00

graphics card

I have an OPTIPLEX 5090. I would like to upgrade the graphics card for gaming. can anyone tell me which graphics cards are the best for the model without requiring a PSU upgrade? and which are the best if i can spare a few bucks for a new PSU?

6 Professor


7.7K Posts

April 5th, 2022 18:00

Hi @Faiad,

It's not said what form factor/size your 5090 is.  Just the MT alone has 3 different PSU's for it.  However, the Optiplex 5090 Spec Sheet has a list of GPU's along with Dell PSU's it comes with.  The micro has no expansion slots for GPU cards.




16.8K Posts

April 12th, 2022 09:00


Update=Warranty not impacted if he purchases compatible parts as per manual.

2 Posts

April 6th, 2022 02:00

PSU is 260 watt and it is a MT version. Intel core i7 11th gen, 16 gb ram.

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