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5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts


December 13th, 2020 04:00

Shift+W+1 doesn't work


​I've got for myself Dell Keyboard KB7120W. I've enjoyed using it, but after couple of hours of using it I've noticed that Left Shift + W + 1 doesn't work I've tried to checking the keystrokes and noticed that "1" keystroke is not registered as pressed. So I did some testing if I hold down Left Shift + W I get spammed with W output and pressing +1 should stop it and in the end output should be: "WWW!", in my case "1" is never registered I only got output "WWW".​

​With any other buttons like Q E and so on it works or Left shift + w + 2 works fine too and other buttons.​

​I've thought it might be handle key rollover, but later I've tried it with Right Shift + w + 1 and it works just fine. Only with left shift it doesn't work.​

​Is it defective keyboard or this is indented?​

​Would really appreciate some help ​



25.2K Posts

December 13th, 2020 22:00

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