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1 Rookie


2 Posts


April 25th, 2024 10:27

Bad request in Redfish using iDRAC on PE XR2

We are using PRTG to monitor our PowerEdge XR2 servers using Redfish but with the latest ( version of iDRAC we get 'Bad Request' errors in PRTG when we read the Redfish sensors. 

Anyone having issues with that too?



3.2K Posts

April 25th, 2024 15:02



The issue you are experiencing with 'Bad Request' errors when using PRTG to monitor your PowerEdge XR2 servers via Redfish is likely due to compatibility issues between the latest version of iDRAC ( and the Redfish implementation in PRTG.Redfish is an open industry standard specification and protocol designed for the management of modern scalable platform hardware. However, the implementation of Redfish can vary across different server models and firmware versions, which can lead to compatibility problems with monitoring tools like your case, the latest iDRAC firmware version ( on your PowerEdge XR2 servers may have introduced changes or differences in the Redfish API that PRTG is not able to handle correctly, resulting in the 'Bad Request' resolve this issue, you have a few options:

  1. Check for any updates or patches available for PRTG that may address compatibility issues with the latest iDRAC firmware. The PRTG developers may have released an update to improve Redfish support.
  2. Reach out to the PRTG support team and provide them with details about your setup, including the iDRAC firmware version and the specific Redfish endpoints that are causing issues. They may be able to provide guidance or a workaround.
  3. Consider temporarily downgrading the iDRAC firmware on your PowerEdge XR2 servers to an earlier version that is known to be compatible with the Redfish implementation in PRTG. This can help you restore monitoring functionality while you wait for a more permanent solution.

By addressing the compatibility issues between the iDRAC firmware and the PRTG Redfish implementation, you should be able to resolve the 'Bad Request' errors and successfully monitor your PowerEdge XR2 servers using PRTG.

1 Rookie


2 Posts

May 1st, 2024 12:04

Thanks, I will contact PRTG support. 

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