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This post is more than 5 years old


December 26th, 2013 22:00

Server with COM-ports

​Good day,​

​Please help me: I need server with COM-port, like to PowerEdge R210 II, but it have 1 COM-port (?). What solution in future, if COM-port will damage? It (or other) server exists with 2 (or more) COM-ports?​




6.2K Posts

December 27th, 2013 10:00


I suspect you are talking about serial ports(DB9 RS-232). If you are then no, I'm not aware of any of our 12th generation servers that have 2 or more serial ports. If you need 2 serial ports then I suggest you purchase a serial port splitter.

Something like this should work:

You may have to buy a few before you find one that works. When I purchased serial to USB converters to connect to my Powerconnect I bought 5 different ones before I found one that worked.


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