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This post is more than 5 years old


June 15th, 2011 21:00

T110 with multiple Intel NIC's, BSOD. Any fix?

I have a T110 I bought a few months back.  This problem is apparently a  known issue related to Intel CT series PCI-E NIC cards in the T110. 

You cannot run multiple NIC's in the system at least this series, it BSOD's with a Call the hardware mfg error message etc etc.  Any plans for a BIOS update to fix this problem?  Or is my solution to Ebay them and buy a Dual Port Intel NIC instead? 

Thanks for any insight you can offer.

Outside of that nagging issue, the server has been just absolutely 100% rock solid reliable.  Not a crash yet in all that time not related to the NIC issue, and I've thrown a pretty fair amount at it, from file sharing to Exchange 2010, multiple VM's in Hyper-V, it just plain runs like a horse.  For the money, I couldn't ask for more I suppose.

Specs: X3430 Xeon, 16GB memory, RAID1 Hitachi HD's serving up some 2008R2 love

4 Operator


9.3K Posts

June 16th, 2011 08:00

If you're trying to ask Dell about this, you'll need to open a case with support. This forum is a user-to-user forum with Dell moderators.

As a user I don't know if Dell is working on a bios fix for this, but as the T110 is basically a desktop computer, I doubt multiple NIC support was a consideration in the (bios) design. You may want to consider indeed going with a dual port Intel NIC for your problem.

1 Rookie


41 Posts

March 15th, 2015 09:00

I had this issue on a T110 system but resolved it in a manner I forgot to document.

Time went on, and I got a T110 II system and configured in the same manner, with one additional Intel CT PCI-E  NIC. The system was running Windows 2008 R2, and again, no problems.

Eventually, I installed Windows 2012 R2 on the indentical configuration, and BOOM. Every ~7 minutes, I get a blue screen (BSOD) that restarts the system for another 7 minutes.


T110 II with Intel CT running RRAS. NAT has Intel CT adapter as public.

When running Windows 2008 R2, no problem.

When running Windows 2012 R2, BSOD in tcpip.sys every 7 minutes as soon as I route traffic over the NAT public interface.

Any insight into how you identified the problem would be appreciated.
Any workaround information would be appreciated.
As I said, I had a similar issue before, and managed to resolve it but don't remember how.

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