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4 Posts


November 5th, 2018 19:00

Will a T-320 hotswap PSU work in a T-330?


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​I was wondering if I could use a PSU out of one of my T-320's temporarily in a T-330 for testing.​

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​The T-330 has a part# VKDD2 where the T-320 has part # 7MGKH​

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5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

November 6th, 2018 07:00

Hi Michael,

Although these have similar specs, they are not interchangeable. It's recommended to use only PSUs with the Extended Power Performance (EPP) label on the back, which you'll find on most 13G power supplies. Mixing PSUs from previous generations of servers can result in a PSU mismatch or no power situation.


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