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1 Rookie


2 Posts


April 30th, 2024 15:36

Wiping M610 Hard drive

Hello, how can I wipe the hard drive for a M610. I can go back to defaults with the IRDAC and Bios, but I cannot seem to find a way to wipe the hard drive on the unit.

I do not see a Retire or repurpose option in the Lifecycle setup



8.5K Posts

April 30th, 2024 20:18



The Lifecycle Controller likely doesn't have the option as I believe the Retire and Repurpose feature was added to the 12th generation and on. As far as wiping the hard drive, there are different OS options to wipe it out, or you can also delete and recreate the Virtual Disk, which results in the formatting of the drives. Also, if they are HDD and not SSD you can just drill through the spool as well. 


Let me know if this helps.



1 Rookie


2 Posts

May 1st, 2024 12:22

Thank you deleting and recreating the virtual disk did the trick on erasing the data.

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