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4 Posts


October 9th, 2023 08:18

How to restore

When i replace one of harddisk to new one and make the new one to raid0 and the other old one is in raid1 and then i try to put off the old one and then windows is cannot run. After that i put on again the harddisk and change the setting hardisk both to raid1. Can i restore the OS?

please help.



8.7K Posts

October 9th, 2023 12:28



We would need more details of what occurred and what you are trying to achieve. Would you clarify some things for me?


What server are you working on?

What controller is installed?

What happened for you to be working on the raid, was it a hard drive failure?

Are you seeing any errors, if so whats the specific error displayed?

Also, in order to better understand the situation, would you provide screenshots of any errors, the raid configuration, or anything else you believe would be helpful?


Let me know and we can go from there.



4 Posts

October 10th, 2023 02:39

@DELL-Chris H​ 

The first problem found that one of the hardisk is problem. There is two hardisk there. Its set in raid1. So one of from them is problem and i replace it to new one. So when i want to test the new one is working or not so when pc is on server is on i take out the old one the new hardisk is not working and os is lost. I put the old hardisk again and turnbon it again os not working.

4 Posts

October 10th, 2023 02:41

@DELL-Chris H​ 

The first problem found that one of the hardisk is problem. There is two hardisk there. Its set in raid1. So one of from them is problem and i replace it to new one. So when i want to test the new one is working or not so when pc is on server is on i take out the old one the new hardisk is not working and os is lost. I put the old hardisk again and turnbon it again os not working.

@DELL-Chris H​ 

The first problem found that one of the hardisk is problem. There is two hardisk there. Its set in raid1. So one of from them is problem and i replace it to new one. So when i want to test the new one is working or not so when pc is on server is on i take out the old one the new hardisk is not working and os is lost. I put the old hardisk again and turnbon it again os not working.


This the picture



3.2K Posts

10-10-2023 05:18 AM



It sounds like the replacement steps are incorrect. If 1 drive failed, you only need to replace it and do not create any other RAID. You will need to access to the RAID Controller BIOS to check what is status of both the drives. 


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