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3 Posts


October 28th, 2023 13:19

RAID 5 Drive Removed Issue?

We have a PowerEdge T340 with a H730P adapter.  I have an issue with a RAID5 array.  I arrive on Friday (everything has been completely normal) to see the server has one flashing drive bay light that is orange.  (All the rest are green.)  Bad drive time to replace, right?  I go into RAID controller software however and see this:

The second disk has never been removed, hot swapped, anything of the nature.  I have tried to reseat it--take it out and put it back in.  I understand one disk failing but don't understand why the second disk would show removed if it is in the machine with a green light.

I have the option of going in and importing the foreign configuration (see below) but wanted to discuss it with some other professional before make it worse.  (We just fired the IT company that was handling this server as the backup status is still TBD.)

It APPEARS that I can do the import (i.e. Physical Disks Included After Foreign Configuration Import) and with that be able to rebuild it and replace the actual failed drive? 
Please advise.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.



3.9K Posts

October 29th, 2023 23:48

Hello thanks for choosing Dell. You can go ahead and import, it should be okay.


November 3rd, 2023 16:55

@DELL-Young E Can you clarify what the foreign import does?  I have been told (since I posted this awhile ago) that importing it will make it worse!  We are currently shopping around for data recovery companies.

Is it importing it FROM the controller TO PD#4 (the one that shows "removed")? 

Or is it importing data FROM PD#4 to the array/controller making everything way worse?



8.7K Posts

03-11-2023 17:07 PM



To clarify I will go over both options and what they do. 


With a foreign you have a drive that is reporting a different configuration than that of the controller. Now with that you have the option to CLEAR the foreign or IMPORT the foreign. When you CLEAR the foreign it is saying you wish to CLEAR the raid configuration info on the drive and use the controllers raid configuration info. With IMPORTing the foreign you are taking the raid configuration information from the drive and using it instead of the raid configuration info on the controller. 
Now a good rule of thumb is that if the virtual disk is booting and everything appears intact, you would want to clear the foreign. If the virtual disk isn't booting, you would want to try importing. 


Let me know if this helps.



DELL-Chris H

Social Media and Communities Professional

Dell Technologies | Enterprise Support Services


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November 3rd, 2023 19:55

@DELL-Chris H We learned that a GOOD drive was accidentally removed and reinstalled instead of the BAD drive. 

Therefore we have a six drive RAID5 array with one drive failed (confirmed bad) and one drive foreign.  I have logged into the iDRAC and confirmed there are no errors on the foreign drive (detected/reported).

Just to make sure I understand (which this is what I thought) if you import it you import data from the foreign drive drive it imports RAID data from foreign drive to controller.  If you clear it the RAID controller will attempt to fix it, correct?

Final question if you clear it and it doesn't work what error(s) would you expect to see?  Does clearing it impact data recovery chances?

(I know these are very broad questions with many unanswered variables.  Just looking to get a high level overview to piece together a solution.  Thanks.)



3.9K Posts

06-11-2023 07:59 AM



We learned that a GOOD drive was accidentally removed and reinstalled instead of the BAD drive. 

Therefore we have a six drive RAID5 array with one drive failed (confirmed bad) and one drive foreign.  I have logged into the iDRAC and confirmed there are no errors on the foreign drive (detected/reported).


è    For this instance, I myself would import, but let’s be aware the data will be gone.



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