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This post is more than 5 years old


June 29th, 2016 04:00

SATA Dell PowerEdge R410

Hi i'm trying to get my server up and running using a SATA hard drive, yet everytime i get to the windows installation page i receive the "no drives were found" error. Does anyone have any ideas as to what i need to do to get this working ? Installed on server is an SAS 6i/R RAID controller. I'm assuming i need to update the drivers but i can't seem to find the one i need anywhere ? 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



8.5K Posts

June 29th, 2016 08:00


What is the specific OS you are trying to install? Below are the listed drivers for the Sas 6/ir - 

Server 2003 - <ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell>

Server 2008 -

Let me know if either of these allow you to complete the installation of the OS.

4 Posts

June 29th, 2016 09:00

Hi Chris

Thanks for getting back to me. We're trying to install server 2008 r2.  Thanks for the links but how can i run a .exe with no OS installed ? 



8.5K Posts

July 1st, 2016 14:00

Run the file from a windows based system. Then when you boot to the OS media and get to the page where you select the disk to install Windows to, hit BROWSE and then point to the file extracted from running the .exe. That will load the driver and show the Virtual Disk create in the Raid controller.

4 Posts

July 4th, 2016 03:00

Thanks Chris

What happens now is if i install windows on a SAS for example it loads fine and will then see the SATA drive but it just refuses to boot from it ? I've got a workaround for now as i will use a different drive for my boot, i just find it strange ! Thanks for your help.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

July 4th, 2016 08:00

There is absolutely no difference between SAS and SATA to Windows when behind a controller. If the SAS boots and the SATA does not, then something is missing on the SATA disk (boot files, OS, etc.). If you installed Windows to the SATA disk while the SAS disk was connected, there is a chance the actual boot files are on the SAS disk and the OS files are on the SATA disk, so when you remove the SAS disk, the OS on the SATA disk doesn't boot. We'd need more details on when, how, etc. you are doing everything. 

4 Posts

July 4th, 2016 08:00

Thanks bud, I've got it to boot to the SATA disk but only if it stays in slot 1. The bit that confuses me is that it refused to install windows on the SATA at boot, but then i could install it on the drive when windows was running on the SAS and then boot (eventually) from the SATA.

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