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1 Rookie


5 Posts


March 26th, 2023 19:00

PowerFlex Design Consideration

Hi All,

We are looking to deploy a 2 layer Powerflex cluster (version 3.6) with storage-only nodes. My concern is regarding using the VMware ent plus license in the Mgmt node. Will it be possible to deploy Powerflex Manger and deploy PF gateway and PF UI manually ( installing manually with rpm package, not via PFxM) and add the manually deployed PF Gateway and Ui server to resources of PFxM and deploy the PF storage-only cluster? Will there be any complication to this Or, we only have the option to deploy the Gateway and UI server automatically via PFxM which demands a Vmware ent plus license?

Also, what will be our design consideration if we are to deploy the newer version of PowerFlex 4.0?  

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