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March 5th, 2010 22:00

MD3000 can support SAS & SATA HDD both in same enclosure

​Hi, ​

​I have two question, ​

​Q-1: SAS & SATA HDD can be fit in same enclousre?​

​Q-2: If I have MD3000 with SAS HDD can I remove SAS HDD and Install SATA HDD, without any hardware changes in MD3000 storage.​

​ ​

​Thanks and waiting for your reaponse.​

​Asim Sami ​

69 Posts

March 16th, 2010 06:00

Dear Concern

Thanks & appriciate for this information

Asim Sami

4 Operator


9.3K Posts

March 7th, 2010 12:00

Q1: Yes you can. The different drive types cannot be mixed in the same diskgroup though.


Q2: Yes, but don't insert drives into an MD3000(i) or an MD1000 that's attached to an MD3000(i) if the unit is powered down (you can remove them 'cold', just don't insert them 'cold').

154 Posts

March 9th, 2010 11:00

Some more notes:

SAS and SATA disks cannot be mixed up in a disk group and cannot be used as a hot spare for a Disk Group of the opposite type.

Only Dell disks are supported (disks bought from Dell and listed in the support matrix for the MD3000/MD3000i).

SATA disks need an interposer card in the MD3000/MD3000i (They should come with the SATA disks from Dell, but just wanted to confirm)


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