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1 Rookie


1 Message


May 22nd, 2024 08:56

Precision desktop with both iGPU and dGPU to drive 6 monitors together?


I'm interested in purchasing a Precision 3460 with T1000 dedicated GPU. 

The T1000 has 4 display ports and can support max 4 monitors (ie can't daisy chain multi stream for more). However, I would like to drive 6 monitors. Would i be able to make use of the Intel integrated graphics to drive the additional 2 monitors?

That is, can both the integrated graphics and dedicated GPU be active and used together?

These monitors would be on 1920x1080 and usage is only for office applications (financial trading). 

7 Technologist


10.6K Posts

May 23rd, 2024 02:08

it may just work based on default bios settings of multi display enabled.

Enable Multi-Display Enable or disable the Enable Multi-Display buttons on the computer.

By default, the option is enabled.

Primary Display
Video Primary Display Determines the primary display when multiple controllers are available on the computer

By default, the Auto option is enabled.

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