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3 Apprentice


433 Posts


March 16th, 2024 05:04

Precision T7920 Audio Pop Noise

I have upgraded from a T7910 to a T7920 and I am amazed how quiet the CPU fans are compared to my T7910, even better all my additional hard drive temps are under 40 degrees C whereas my T7910 would be around 50 degrees C, also great to have a PC that supports Windows 11. I'm very happy I made the move BUT!!!

I get a pop noise when I play any media for the first time then playing something else is ok until arfter 5 mins problem returns, I have change the registry entry for the power management but no change.

It also hapeens on certain web sites using Edge, I've also tried using the monitor speakers, 3.5mm AUX and USB sound card and this still happens even done a clean install!!

Anyone else having this problem?

3 Apprentice


433 Posts

March 17th, 2024 06:14

I have disabled the onboard audio in the BIOS and now with a USB sound card attached I have no popping noise when playing media files, BUT when I startup the computer the speakers pops a few times, never happenned on my T7910 computer !!

go figure!!


4 Operator


1.1K Posts

March 18th, 2024 09:45

It's related to the energy saving feature configured for the integrated soundcard, if i remember right. There was a discussion about it, around 2 years ago i think.

Now I'm going totally by memory, but disable that feature for that specific resource...

3 Apprentice


433 Posts

March 24th, 2024 09:13

Not sure what feature to disable?

6 Professor


7.6K Posts

March 25th, 2024 02:28

This Windows 10 Help Forum thread might be worth a read.

Make sure USB Selective Suspend is off/disabled.

3 Apprentice


433 Posts

March 25th, 2024 23:18

Thanks, seems to be behaving itself now using a Creative USB audio device

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