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1 Rookie


1 Message


April 5th, 2024 20:28

7760 be200 bluetooth not recognized,


i have precision 7760 xeon laptop 

i just upgraded wifi to intel be200 

wifi work without any problem but bluetooth not recognized, 

bios shows wifi installed , bluetooth disabled. 

i am using windows 10 64 bit. 

it seems this problem bios , i hope next bios upgrade solve this problem

10 Elder


23.7K Posts

April 5th, 2024 21:21

These can be ordered from the factory configured with bluetooth disabled -- did you order the system, or was it a second-hand purchase or ordered for you?  You'll want to verify that wasn't the case -- if it was, no add in card will be recognized.

If it's an upgrade for an existing bluetooth card, did you remove the drivers for that card and reboot before you installed the new card (and then install its drivers)?

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