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1 Rookie


2 Posts


May 1st, 2024 17:21

Backlit Keyboard

Wondering if anyone can tell me if, on a Precision 3580 originally ordered without a backlit keyboard, if I purchase the backlit version keyboard and install it, will it work? I know that there's a second cable connection to the motherboard, that I hope exists on ALL motherboards whether they shipped with the backlit KB or not. I'm mostly concerned about the BIOS settings. I have a Latitude that came with a backlit keyboard and it has a BIOS section dedicated to the control of that feature. The Precision does not have any listing / section for backlit control in the BIOS. HOWEVER, what I'm wondering is if, once the backlit is installed, if running a command update would cause the system to detect the "new" keyboard and update the BIOS accordingly. Similar to how, if there's a docking station attached when command update runs, it detects the docking station and offers updates for it. 

Does anyone have any experience with this? Thoughts, suggestions, comments are welcome!

10 Elder


23.5K Posts

May 1st, 2024 19:48

There is nothing in the manual about the system having a backlit keyboard -- so the safest assumption (and in light of noting the absence of a backlight control) is that there is no backlight support.

See the manual here

1 Rookie


2 Posts

May 2nd, 2024 15:17

@ejn63​ Hmm. But based on that logic, I would have to assume that there is no support, period. And that isn't the case. This model does have a backlit keyboard available. 

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