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This post is more than 5 years old


September 15th, 2003 02:00

Print spooler want start

I have an Inspiron 2600 and before I went on vacation it was hooked up and working to a Lexmark X74-X75 printer.  I got the blaster worm while on vacation and my son placed a patch and we got the lastest Norton Anti-Virus placed on the laptop.  While on vacation I bought a cheap printer to use and had to uninstall my Lexmark X74-75.  Upon arriving home I uninstalled cheap printer and have tried to re-install the Lexmark X74-75.  My CD starts up runs for a few seconds and then I get a window that says spooler not running do you wish to run now?  I click yes but nothing happens.  I went to administrator clicked on services then on Print spooler it was on automatic and stopped every time I clicked start I got a message that said dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.  I went to the dependencies for print spooler and it gave one Remote Procedure Call (RPC).  I went to RPC it showed it was on automatic and started.  I have tried doing these on manuel with no success.  I have gone to many websites and with no help.  I have talked to Dell support and they sent me to a website that was called and there was a removal tool that would repair any damage done by the blaster, didn't work.  I tried to see if any old drivers were still showing that needed to be deleted but it would not let me in because the spooler was not running.  I am so frustrated can anyone out there help me solve this problem??  Thank you.  Kuester

1 Message

June 22nd, 2005 11:00

Hi Kuester and others,
Hopefully you have all resolved your problems by now, since I am writing almost a year later.  But since I have just experineced and resolved a similar problem, I thought an explanation of the process may be useful to future users.
Kuester was right in checking the Dependencies of the Print Spooler.  The key problem which you all have had in common was a printer 'server' service which makes the Print Spooler dependent on it.
You may recieve an error such as "Could not start the Print Spooler service on Local Computer" Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start.
This error will occur if you have not completely uninstalled a printer, or if you have disabled a printer server service from running.  You may have done this through an incomplete uninstallation, or by unchecking a box in msconfig.
How to tell if you have done this: open [msconfig] > [services] > [hide all microsoft services].  You should now see the other services which you are running in the background.  It should be relatively easy to identify printer services by their Manufacturer. 
Make a note of the name of the Service.
Now open services through [Control Panel] > [Administrative Tools] etc.  Locate the name of your printer service.  In most cases, right clicking on the service and looking at the properties will show the dependencies.  Most printing service 'servers' will have Print Spooler as a dependent service.  Thus if the printer server is disabled, the dependent Print Spooler will be unable to start, even if you are trying to use another printer, which doesnt require that particular printer server.
Fix it: Set the printer server service to manual start > start it.  Now you should be able to start the Print Spooler, since its 'parent' is not disabled.
This is exactly why nachoscarol was able to find a solution.  LesBceServer is the printer server service used by lexmark printers.  So enabling the service enabled the dependent Print Spooler.  A similar approach should work for other printer brands, it is just a matter of correctly identifying the server service. 
Ensuring all of your previous printer servers are enabled (if they are still installed) will ensure Print Spooler will be able to start, regardless of which printer needs to use it.
Hope that clarifies things,

June 22nd, 2005 14:00

You are very welcome.  These can be a pain in the rear but patience usually pays off.  Take care.:smileyhappy:

1 Message

August 5th, 2005 21:00

All good information. I've done all the steps described in this forum that apply to me. The 16 bit error I have not received. Still I am unable to reload my lexmark X4200 series printer. The LexBceServer box is checked..still nothing.

Any suggestions?


August 22nd, 2005 05:00

Hey guys, I recently had to do something in services.msc and realized that every driver was disabled. It took me hours but the one driver that wouldn't work was print spooler. Now in a previous post someone said that you have to go to msconfig and do it.
So...I did that but it didn't work.
And since NO ONE knew I decided to look for myself. The answer is very simple!

Okay so first

go to start-> Run -> type in services.msc

Now scroll down until you find something that says "LexBce Server"
double click on it
and where it says "Startup type" change it to Automatic
then click apply
but wait! don't close the box
press Start under where it says service status

Now you're almost there

Now, once its under automatic and activated, then you have to turn on print spooler

and voila! turn it on by going to services.msc

look for print spooler
and turn it onto automatic too

now restart your computer if it says to restart

Now the last step is just to make sure its working so
go to start->run type in msconfig -> services -> check that print spooler is on and running

now if it says restart, restart your computer

and on the reboot make sure you put a check mark next to "don't show me this message again"
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