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1 Rookie


12 Posts


January 9th, 2024 11:54

RP4VM data path

When RP4VM initially came out, it used an iSCSI connection between the splitter and the ESXi for the data path. The current deployment document refers to a kernel port, and there is no mention of an iSCSI connection.

Has a redesign taken place over the 5-6 years ? What is the connectivity path now ? How does the splitter write to the vmdk at DR site now ? Or am I missing something / misunderstanding something here ?



7.2K Posts

January 12th, 2024 15:56

Hello radiohead_fan,

A redesign of some parts has been done from previous versions.  Here is the link to the installation and deployment guide which shows how you install and deploy the system in RP4VM5.3.

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