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This post is more than 5 years old


November 10th, 2013 22:00

Filesystem migration - NS GW to VNX5300 using Celerra Replicator


We are implementing a filesystem migration using Celerra Replicator:

Exsiting NAS, NS GW with version

NEW NAS, VNX5300 with version

From the VNX replicator document, it has mentioned below:

"Replication sessions are supported between VNX systems that use version 7.0 and later

and legacy Celerra systems that use version 6.0 and later. For legacy Celerra systems that

use version 5.6, only versions later than are supported for replication with legacy

Celerra systems that use version 6.0 and later, and VNX systems that use version 7.0 and


Will the Celerra IP Replication setup be supported in such environment?



296 Posts

November 10th, 2013 22:00


So current setup ia 6.0 on celerra and 7.1 on VNX ? If yes, the replication is supported between these two.


Sent from Samsung Mobile

35 Posts

November 10th, 2013 23:00

Thanks for your quick response on this.

November 19th, 2013 15:00

Interesting reply.  Seems to contradict error message on VNX.

Severity:  Error

System:  xxxxvnx5500csa

Domain:  xxxxx

Created:  Nov 15, 2013  10:20:30 AM

Message:  Slot 2:  For the Replication session:xx_xxdata_to_xxxxx, the Data Mover version on the destination file system is incompatible with the Data Mover version on the source file system...

     Data Mover version on the source fs:  7.1.65

     Data Mover version on the destination fs:  6.0.65

     Minimum required Data Mover version on the destination fs:  7.1.0

Source is VNX5500.  Destination is NS-960.

So not entirely clear if 7.1x VNX's can replicate with 6.x Celerra?

John Grantman

35 Posts

November 19th, 2013 16:00

Hi John

Thanks for the message.

In fact, we have proceed with the implementation and now we are facing communication issue between the datamover. EMC support is on this and the analysis was due to no NTP configured and its more than 10min drifted apart. Customer doesn't have a NTP server.

I will update this if we are successful in the replication configuration with these versions.




24 Posts

October 14th, 2014 03:00

Hello John,

For the replication from DART OE 7.1 to DARE OE 6.0 is considered, it should give you issues like it is. The DART OE on the source can be lower than or equal to the destination DART code but NOT higher than it. The DART OE works that way and of course it even makes sense since you do not want to move the data to an older version and risk it after all the investment in the DR setup.

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