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4 Posts


March 16th, 2023 13:00

Fresh SCG deployment, can't communication in any way to it

Fresh deployment of SCG 5.x VE.  Deploys into VMware environment fine.  Settings are established via OVF deployment and verified using YAST post deployment (disabled IPv6).  Can ping out from the SCG, can curl from the SCG, everything "appears" to be fine from inside the SCG.  From outside the SCG, no ping to it, no SSH, no HTTPS.  Have tried multiple IP addresses that are available to our datacenter with the same results, DNS A record published prior to deployment.  Other IPs that are assigned on other resources on the same subnets operate just fine.  Dell has assured me there is no firewall on the VE appliance.

I've already hit up Dell Support on this and they actually watched me deploy a new SCG with the same results.  After a while of their internal engineer conversations, they finally contacted me back, remoted in and powered up the VM we deployed (after it had been off for a week or more), and it started working out of the blue, but not for long.  It no longer responds like a new deployment.  No firewalls are prohibiting the communications (verified with our network support).

Has anyone else had a deployment just not accept ANY communications to it?

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