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1 Message


November 8th, 2023 19:59

SCG to issues

having some issues downloading the upgrade to from my SCG gateways. I have 2 clustered gateways at 3 DC's world wide (NA, EU , AP). did 1 from eu and ap successfully, but the 2nd ones are not able to download the software, saying check network connection and try again. i've rebooted both gateways and have confirmed all network connections are working within the gateway....

any ideas?




3.1K Posts

November 9th, 2023 03:44



I'm not sure if it is related to the docker issues. There are sets of commands to execute, but I'm unsure if that issue is related to 1 of your cluster. Since you have already verified that the network connections are working, my suggestion is to contact and connect with the SCG support to check on the issue. Make sure to take a snapshot backup. 

4 Posts

November 17th, 2023 11:52


I'll just leave it there..

This is how I fixed the problem with SCG upgrade:

1) Initially followed these instructions:

2) Enabled sshd and connected to SCG appliance with root

2) Had to slightly adjust "" (script provided in a link above) by skipping "if [[ ${srsLVMCount} -gt 0 ]];then" statement. (don't forget to comment "fi" part of particular statement)

3) Executed ""

4) Went to GUI and attempted to do an upgrade

5) Upgrade failed.. in log files I noticed  that it is looking for /root/esrsverepos/

however under /root/esrsverepos/ I found only unzipped SCG-Update- folder.

I went ahead and created zip file

zip -r SCG-Update-

6) Went to GUI and attempted another upgrade and this time it worked!

Perhaps you don't even need that script and it is sufficient to create just a zip!

But I was too lazy to check I already started to troubleshoot with KB Article Number: 000218521

1 Message

February 22nd, 2024 01:38


Managed to update to version 5.20 with your advice, cheers.

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