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7 Posts


January 15th, 2024 15:16

Support assist shows that my hard drive is failing and has reached the end-of-life, although my laptop is only 1 year old.

Hello everybody,

I have a Dell Latitude 5520 laptop which is only one year old. The supportAssist displayed a message indicating that my hard drive is failing and had reached the end of its life.

Is that only a system bug, or should I take it into consideration as I do have a lot of critical data on my laptop that I can't sacrifice it.

I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance

1 Rookie


513 Posts

January 15th, 2024 15:23

Do you still have a warranty? Are you a tech savvy person or know someone who is? You may need to backup ASAP. 

Use a cloning utility to clone to an extra drive ASAP. Then when you get a replacement clone back to the new drive in the laptop.

January 15th, 2024 16:08

Yes, I'm tech-savvy.

So, there is no chance that it is just a bug ??

It's just odd that SupportAssist shows that my hard drive has reached the end of its lifespan and it's only 1 year old.

However, I will take your advice and back up my whole system. 

Thank you so much

1 Rookie


513 Posts

January 15th, 2024 23:45

It is possible it could be a bug. Do you have any way to test the drive in another system? Or maybe use a 3rd party diagnostic tool. Try using Crystal Disk info.

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