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This post is more than 5 years old



May 19th, 2018 10:00

SupportAssist different layout??


I have a Dell XPS 13 9370.

My layout of SupportAssist used to look like this: (Google img pic)


However, yesterday it had a new bios update and it's looking like this now:


I don't mind it at all that it's looking different but I can't use certain features such as a system history where I could see critical warnings. How to I get this back? I've tried reinstalling it so far but that does nothing. Am I missing out on something here?

It says it's updated to the latest version;  []


Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance, Cools

1 Message

May 22nd, 2018 14:00

I cannot see the images you posted. they are blank with a triangle in each centre.

My Dell SupportAssist has changed its format and layout since the last time I loaded it a week ago or so. It has gone from the blue styled app to a more slimlined blackened feature. I'd say it has had an upgrade.


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