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This post is more than 5 years old



December 5th, 2008 11:00

DVD/RW drive doesn't recognize when there's a recordable disc installed

Anyone have any suggestions?  I'm finally trying to burn my first discs as backups.  For whatever reason, when I load a CD-R or DVD-R into the drive, I keep getting the message that there's no disc in drive E:

This drive plays DVD's no problem.  I just can't figure out why it doesn't recognize when I install a blank recordable disc.

11 Posts

December 28th, 2008 14:00

Wow - that blows...  Sounds like you did everything I did, just without the good results.  I'm afraid I've got nothing more to suggest.   If it weren't for the kindness of others on this forum I'd still be without my drives.

Hopefully, someone else will have some more suggestions.

Good luck.


3 Posts

December 29th, 2008 09:00

Thanks Ziggy

But just in case anyone else can help, I have a dell Dimension 4600 series PC, with two drives [HL-DT-ST-RW DVD GCC-4880B] and [NEC DVD+RW ND-2100AD].

I have tried to edit the Windows registry and changed the drive type to 1 and 2, but neither have worked.  I've also tried to un-install and reinstall the drive under device manager.   But I still can't get a Recording tab in the Properties dialogue box.  

Are there any further ideas, about which settings I should use to make the system recognise my Dell DVD burner?

Many thanks


January 31st, 2015 21:00

Yeah Brother Vince, same here tried all of the above...If I come up with something I'll let you know. Will you do the same? Good Luck

1 Message

March 29th, 2015 09:00

When I try to download something onto a dvd-r disk, it says no disc.  Please help me.

10 Elder


46K Posts

March 29th, 2015 12:00

This thread has been locked due to it's age, if you have a similar issue, please use the 'New Post' feature at the top of this page and start a new thread.


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