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This post is more than 5 years old



August 15th, 2008 04:00

External hard drive not recognized.

Computer - Dell Inspiron E1505

CPU - 1.73 GHz

RAM - 1.0 GB

32 Bit OS 

Operating system - Vista Home Premium

Service Pack 1 installed 

Internal hard drive -  80 GB Hitachi HT541680J


I bought an iomega 160 GB eGo external USB-powered hard drive which is supposed to be pre-formatted and ready to go (plug-and-play).  When I plug it in to a USB port the computer "dings", the power light on the drive lights up and I can hear the drive running if I put it up to my ear.


However, when I go to START > COMPUTER  the drive doesn't show up on the list of drives.  All that show is the C: drive, the D: Recovery partition of the C: drive, the DVD drive and, if I have it attached, my HP 3180 inkjet printer.


If I go to START and right-click COMPUTER and then select MANAGE to get the Computer Management screen and then select Disk Management, I get the screen showing all the drives connected.  This screen shows the C: drive as Disk 0 and the external iomega drive as Drive 1.  It shows them both to be online. It also shows the DVD drive and the printer if I have it connected.  Right-clicking the Drive 1 here and selecting Properties brings up a box labeled TOSHIBA MK1646GSX [the iomega 2.5" drive] USB Device Properties.  Under General it says "This device is working properly"



OK - The external drive is running.  The computer recognizes that the drive is there. Why doesn't the drive show up in the list under START > COMPUTER?  If it doesn't show up there with a letter assigned I can't use it.  Stranger yet, when the drive is connected to another Vista PC it shows up instantly.  Same thing with a Windows XP machine.  It just doesn't work with mine.


iomega doesn't have customer support.  The Geeks at Best Buy don't have a clue why it's acting this way.  

1 Message

October 30th, 2020 08:00

I don't want to format the disc because I want recuperate the data 

The Maxtor is recognizing the computer but the computer doesn't see it at all.

it has it's own power supply.

2 Posts

May 13th, 2021 11:00

This is a very old thread, but the problem persists.  Here is a very simple solution that worked for me.

PROBLEM: External drive does not show up

REASON: Needs a name (C, D, E, etc.)

For some reason the  computer likes to delete this name from time to time.

How to fix it:

Open the Start menu – type "disk management," press Enter when the Create and Format Hard Disk Partitions option appears.

Right-click the volume icon – Choose Change Drive Letter and Paths to add a drive letter.  The drive letter will be prompted for you – default seems to be E.

1 Message

April 25th, 2022 15:00

That is exactly it!

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