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This post is more than 5 years old



1 Rookie


18 Posts


May 21st, 2018 12:00

SA, latest version not working

I downloaded the latest version of SA (Support Assist) (Version 2) a few days ago.When I try to open it, it tries to load but won't load properly (icon just continues to flash and flash), with a message that optimization tools are loading.

The same problem occurs when I try to open it as administrator. There is no option to repair this app when I go to Settings. The only 2 options are "modify" or "uninstall"

This new version of Support Assist is installed on both my XPS 8930.

Is any body else having a problem with this latest version? Any advice would be greatly appreciated

August 26th, 2018 10:00

The png file rename solution worked for about a week. Now support assist will not run. It will not uninstall because the package is corrupted. I tried to run a new install, but the installer reports that support assist is already installed. (I will try reversing the file rename and determine if the package will uninstall. If this works, I will repost.)

4 Posts

August 27th, 2018 18:00

Same here, it checks for updates then I get an error message.  **bleep**?

1 Rookie


18 Posts

August 29th, 2018 08:00

I read on another thread in the forum that Dell had issued a new version of Support Assist in July, so again I uninstalled everything and reinstalled from the Dell website.

All was fine for a few days, then again I kept getting an Apps crash in my reliability monitor and Support Assist would freeze and not run at all.

I have now disabled Support Assist yet again, but interestingly enough, after doing so, still received the following message:

" TelemetyUtility stopped working

Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\Dell\SARemediation\audit\TelemetryUtility.exe"

I can't find SA Remediation in apps or programs so all of this is a complete mystery to me.

This problem with Support Assist seemed to arise with the Feature Windows update (version 1803) which was in May. It is now the end of August.

5 Posts

September 1st, 2018 16:00

Mine too!  I can't even uninstall it!  what is that all about?

3 Posts

September 2nd, 2018 11:00

...and me.

C'mon Dell - if we can reach Mars & the sun, why is this so difficult to fix?

1 Message

September 2nd, 2018 11:00

Same here. I get support assist notification but the program does not run at all.

2 Posts

September 6th, 2018 12:00

Add me to the list. Would very much like this fixed!

2 Posts

September 6th, 2018 14:00

Same for me:

SupportAssist does not run.

I also can't uninstall as following message is given:

Error 1721. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action: WickInstaller 1.5CE21306_A484_4807_9F74_29446153A569, location: C:\Program Files/Dell/SupportAssistAgent\PCDr\Installer\SupportAssist_6.0.6992.1111_x64.ex, command -INTERNL_UninstallFromMsm

Sigh .....



1 Message

September 11th, 2018 17:00

Yep. This is obviously an ongoing issue with the software. I bought my machine 6 months ago and there's a supportassist issue almost monthly. I"m guessing there's a bad line of code in there somewhere when they push out the update and rolling back to the downloaded version takes the buggy code back out. I'll have to look into how to prevent supportassist from updating, since I suspect that's where the problem lies.

Dell.... fix your $hit already.

5 Practitioner


146 Posts

September 19th, 2018 07:00

ooGlory00 - There is a new release expected in a couple of weeks, v3.0.1 that should fix a lot of the scanning\unexpected errors.  Once installed\upgraded please verify if the issue still occurs. 

In the meantime, If you could open up the SupportAssistAgent.log under C:\ProgramData\SupportAssist\Client\Agent\logs\ApplicationLogs

You can search for “Error Code 107” or “name Pipe connection to PcDr” as these are a couple of errors we’ve been tracking or search the word ERROR and provide those lines to confirm this isn’t something new or not seen before.

1 Message

September 19th, 2018 07:00

Today is 19 of Sept. 2018 and Dell has not helped a single person here. Support Assist. gets to the point it is scanning the hardware and then tells me there is an error to get help. 

Dell....your subjects need you!

1 Message

September 26th, 2018 11:00

Support Assist does not finish loading.  Errors in the SupportAssistAgent.log:

2018-09-22 20:34:58,240 [] [16868 - 58] ERROR Dell.Services.SupportAssist.DataAccessLayer.DataAccess - An exception occured While reading Enqued alerts details : No se puede reconocer la cadena como **bleep** DateTime válido.

2018-09-22 23:04:16,991 [] [16868 - 29] INFO Dell.Services.SupportAssist.CommonUtilities.ServiceWindowLauncher - Last error code while querying user token 0

2018-09-22 23:04:23,241 [] [16868 - 30] INFO Dell.Services.SupportAssist.CommonUtilities.ServiceWindowLauncher - Last error code while querying user token 1008  (MANY TIMES)


2018-09-23 07:21:05,124 [] [16868 - 29] INFO Dell.Services.SupportAssist.CommonUtilities.ServiceWindowLauncher - Could not get user token, last WIN32 error was 1008

2018-09-22 23:04:32,278 [] [16868 - 30] INFO Dell.Services.SupportAssist.CommonUtilities.ServiceWindowLauncher - Last error code while querying user token 2

2018-09-22 23:04:32,278 [] [16868 - 30] INFO Dell.Services.SupportAssist.CommonUtilities.ServiceWindowLauncher - Could not get user token, last WIN32 error was 2


5 Practitioner


206 Posts

September 27th, 2018 06:00

Dear User, can you explain your issue related to SupportAssist the log files details which you have mentioned all are INFO i can see only one error which is related to Date time stamp.

If you can explain your issue better then I can try to help you.


DELL-Nikhil K

Social Media and Community Professional

5 Practitioner


206 Posts

September 28th, 2018 05:00

Hi YarkiePete, SupportAssist v3.0.1 has been already launched today and has fix for this issue. I would advise you to wait till 10/1 by that time SupportAssist must get updated automatically in case it's not then you can do it manually by following steps. 1. Open Windows Task Scheduler 2. Under task library you can see 'Dell SupportAssistAgent AutoUpdate' task right click on it and run. Update process may take some time depend on your system & internet speed. Check the version under control panel if it's get upgraded to v3.0.1 then try run Hardware Scan you will not observe name pipe error. Thanks DELL-Nikhil K Social Media and Community Professional #iwork4Dell

September 28th, 2018 05:00

Have also had problems with v for several months (since I upgraded m Inspiron 620 to 8Gb RAM) - crashes out on hardware scan with "name Pipe connection to PcDr" in error log.  Looking forward to v 3.... :)

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