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This post is more than 5 years old



June 30th, 2015 16:00

storevntd LOG_SYMMETRIX_EVENTS specific events not working


I'm trying to change the default threshold for one specific Storevntd event, 1208, but it seems to still trigger on the default ones (90-95). These are my two lines in the daemon_options :

storevntd:LOG_SYMMETRIX_EVENTS = sid=000XXXXXXXX,1208,thresh_critical=99,thresh_major=98,thresh_warn=94;\

                 status,events,array subsystem,checksum,diagnostic,environmental,device pool,service processor,director,device,disk

Few questions:

1) From looking at a few examples, unless I exclude the "device pool" in the "catch all" line, it will still trigger on the default values? or is it a way around?

2) How can I see the default thresholds for each event trigger?

3) If I update the deamon_options file, and reload it, how can I verify that the storeventd accepted and applied the new values

Thanks in advance all!

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