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June 8th, 2023 08:00

OpenManage Server Administrator - Question about JAVA licensing

Dear DELL support,

We have noticed that your application OpenManage Server Administrator (v8.5 to 9.5) is using Java technology and therefore contains a bundled JRE.

Could you please tell us how this JRE is licensed?

Please confirm if the separate licensable (non-public) updates of Oracle Java SE (including JRE and JDK) are granted by you as the application provider and that we as such does dont not need to have a separate Java subscription agreement in place with Oracle?

Thanks in advance

Kind regards



3.7K Posts

June 8th, 2023 22:00

Hello thanks for choosing Dell.


Referencing the article below, customers can consider using OpenJDK (supported in OMSA 9.4 and newer), as an alternative


OMSA embeds Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to render its web GUI on Linux and Windows.

Starting from version 9.2, OMSA has added support for installing a newer standalone instance of Oracle JRE containing bug and security fixes

However, as of April 2019 Oracle now requires a licensed subscription for end-users to install it.


For the embedded JRE, any subscription agreement would be between Dell and Oracle

But if you choose to install a newer standalone JRE, you’ll need to have a separate subscription agreement with Oracle.


So they can still choose to use the embedded JRE if they do not wish to install the standalone JRE


NOTE: OMSA is going to reach End-of-Life (EOL) soon and the customer should consider moving to OpenManage Enterprise (OME) in the long run

August 8th, 2023 07:00

Can OpenManage Enterprise (OME) be used stand-alone on an endpoint like OMSA or does the entire infrastructure have to be implemented to use it?



8.6K Posts

August 8th, 2023 08:00



You could use it on a sole system, but it really depends on what you would need to use it for, as it may be excessive. Normally you would use something like Secure Connect Gateway or DSU for a single system.


Let me know if this helps.



August 8th, 2023 09:00

Just wondering what customers are supposed to do with OMSA soon to be end-of-life and wanting a replacement that exists on the endpoint only and not having to create all that infrastructure to support OpenManage Enterprise (OME).

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