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1 Rookie


12 Posts


October 22nd, 2020 07:00

PowerEdge M1000e SNMP v3

How can I configure the encryption setting for the CMC for DES and MD5?  The UI lets you change SNP v1/v2 to v3 and put in a user name but that is it, it does not have a field for the authentication or encryption settings.

4 Operator


3K Posts

October 22nd, 2020 08:00

In CMC you can configure authentication or encryption settings for each user using racadm command. Below commands can be used to configure SNMPv3 for a user

racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -i -o cfgUserAdminSNMPv3Enable 1

racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -i  -o cfgUserAdminSNMPv3AuthenticationType MD5

racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -i  -o cfgUserAdminSNMPv3PrivacyType DES

Refer below link for supported values 

May 10th, 2021 11:00

hi Shine,

i am trying to run the same remotely using the below command and getting an error, could you please help....

Command : racadm.exe -r iDRAC-IP -u username -p password config -g cfgUserAdmin -I 4 -o cfgUserAdminSNMPv3Enable 1

ERROR: The syntax of the command specified is not correct.

Server Model: PowerEdge R430

iDRAC: 8

racadm version : 9.1.0



3.9K Posts

May 10th, 2021 12:00

Hello Rajeesh-Tesco,


I have a couple of steps to try:


Can you SSH to the DRAC and run the command successfully there?

Can you try lower case:  -i 4 ?


Check if you're on the latest firmware:

BIOS 2.12.1, iDRAC


If neither of those work; could you describe your goal and iDRAC8 firmware version and I'll check the command line guide.

Racadm CLI Guide (iDRAC7,8)



4 Operator


3K Posts

May 10th, 2021 19:00

As Charles mentioned for getconfig you need to use -i instead of -I.

To configure snmpv3 for a user you need to use set command on iDRAC. You can try below command for same
racadm set iDRAC.Users.4.SNMPv3Enable Enabled

May 11th, 2021 01:00

Thank you so much, the set command worked for enabling the SMNMPv3.

could you please share any documentation link if i can refer the new command sets to create user as well.

My requirement is to create a new user and enable SNMPv3 around 2000 hosts.


Hi Charles,

had checked the firmware and BIOS versions which is new as you mentioned. And was trying with "i" always but by mistake mentioned "I" while posting the query.

BIOS Version
Firmware Version

tried ssh to iDRAC and run the command and still got the same error and it got fixed with the Set command.

Thanks for your help


May 11th, 2021 04:00

Thank you, the link helped me to meet the requirements. But, do we have an option to provide a one liner command to create user, enable, add privilege and all ?

4 Operator


3K Posts

May 11th, 2021 04:00

You can have a file with below details and run mentioned command to configure users in one command


racadm -r -u -p set -t ini -f

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