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August 30th, 2022 19:00

Poweredge R810 bios update

Currently trying to update my bios from 1.4 to 2.11 however I cant seem to do so successfully.

When booting into the Linux recovery with SUU it errors out with a memory error, so i tried through the lifecycle and cant use anymore and the new also doesn't work with http?

my server is currently running Proxmox. is there any other way to update?

4 Posts

September 2nd, 2022 20:00

Ended up doing Windows server 2012R2 bare metal and updated through .exe's.

Thanks for all the help!



2.3K Posts

August 31st, 2022 01:00


1.4 is a very old version. It is not recommended to jump directly from very old versions to the latest updated versions in BIOS updates. if you were to jump to the latest on either you likely would do permanent damage to the board. You can try with with https. You can try to update by selecting BIOS from here, clicking the old versions hyperlink and

in sequence and incremental them in order from oldest to oldest. On the Driver Details page, scroll down and expand Installation instructions.
Instructions about downloading and installing Update Packages by using methods such as DRMK, EFI, Linux, and Windows is displayed.


Hope that helps!

4 Posts

August 31st, 2022 06:00


Thanks for the response, sorry I should have made that more clear, I was going to step through the updates starting at 2.05 which is the oldest on the dell site after 1.4 (From what I can tell?)

idrac 6 enterprise does not have HTTPS as an option in the lifecycle controller even on the newest version.

And for Linux, what would be the best option for that? should I just boot to a live version of 32bit Linux on a USB and try to run the BIN file? When I tried that with the dell live image it just errors on the bios saying not enough memory. 



2.3K Posts

August 31st, 2022 07:00

Hi, try with USB might be a good shot i would try that.  I looked to see if i could find an old platform specific bootable ISO file for r810, but i couldn't find it. Dell removes 11G specific bootable files. However i found this article which i believe may be helpful "Cannot update Dell BIOS with .BIN file"


The closest thing i could find to the warning you got was the following article, PE1300

4 Posts

August 31st, 2022 07:00

Also a thought, i have a spare SSD i can just use a Sata to USB and install windows and use the exe to install it that way. Could that work?



3.4K Posts

August 31st, 2022 08:00


since you launch the upgrade in Windows, it's fine, so this workaround should work.


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