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3 Posts


November 6th, 2023 09:18

Problem when connecting Virtual Media via the Virtual Console on idrac9

Please help me with solution on below two problems.

Currently there is RHEL deployed through Ansible Module to test Unattended OS installation on DELL PowerEdge R440 server. The unattended installation of Linux RHEL was successful. However,

Problem-1: The iDRAC inventory doesn't display which Operating System is installed, but if I install Windows server the same way it displays the OS information.

Problem-2: In order to rule out issue by guessing that it might be issue with LINUX distort i.e. RHEL, I would like to test it with Ubuntu manually installing by attaching ISO in Virtual media option, but I am unable to do so and getting error stating "Virtual media is currently unavailable. A virtual media session is in use". If this Virtual Media issue is fixed I wanted to see whether Ubuntu OS info displays under System information. Have attached the screenshot with error for reference.



8.6K Posts

November 6th, 2023 13:27



I am researching the first issue, but I would start with verifying that the server is up to date on BIOS, iDrac, raid controller, and drives (if available). 

As far as the iDrac Virtual Console error, you can clear that by SSHing in and running the Racadm Racreset command, that should clear the session and allow you to connect again after the Ubuntu install. 


Let me know if thie helps.



3 Apprentice


900 Posts

November 6th, 2023 17:07

For problem #2, go to the Configuration tab in the idrac gui, then virtual media, it will show you what virtual media you have attached and you can detach the one you dont need anymore. 


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