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September 7th, 2022 03:00

RAID10 via Ansible on R640 and PERC H730P Mini


I have problem with creating RAID10 via Ansible. Everything works without problem. RAID 10 is successfully created, but main problem is, that I cannot "reconfigure" this raid afterwards. This option is missing. When I create this VD manually in BIOS, I can see this option. I tried many configuration options, but same results. It looks like that problem is with span_depth, because I tried RAID1 and RAID5 with "1" and "reconfigure" working, when I change this value to "2" for RAID10 option "reconfigure" is gone. You can see differences on screens below:

ansible pic1 and pic2

manually in bios pic1 and pic2


  - name: Create SSD_OS and DATA volume.
        idrac_ip:    "{{ idrac_ip }}"
        idrac_user:  "{{ idrac_user }}"
        idrac_password:   "{{ idrac_password }}"
        ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem"
        validate_certs: False
        raid_reset_config: "True"
        state: "create"
        #raid_init_operation: "None"
        controller_id: "RAID.Integrated.1-1"
        disk_cache_policy: "Enabled"
        write_cache_policy: "WriteThrough"
          - name: "DATA"
            volume_type: "RAID 10"
            span_length: 2
            span_depth: 2
               id: ["Disk.Bay.0:Enclosure.Internal.0-1:RAID.Integrated.1-1",
              #location: [0,1,2,3]
            #disk_cache_policy: "Enabled"
            #write_cache_policy: "WriteBack"
            #read_cache_policy: "ReadAhead"
            raid_init_operation: "Fast"




8.6K Posts

September 12th, 2022 09:00



I apologize for the misunderstanding, as I am not fluent in Ansible I was leaning hardware. I researched the issue that you're facing and what I determined was that the process you're using (dellemc_idrac_storage_volume) will create a spanned raid 10, but can't be reconfigured after it is created. What you can do instead is to use Volume_type:spanned mirrors, as shown here, and this will create the raid 10's which can be reconfigured after creation.  The link I specified is for a raid 1 configuration, but can be applied for the raid 10. 

So the underlying issue is the playbook you're using, utilizes the SCP which only creates RAID10s in a way which cannot be reconfigured.


Sorry for the delay, but let me know if this helps.






8.6K Posts

September 7th, 2022 08:00




The issue you are seeing isn't due to the controller or server, it is based on the fact that a spanned virtual disk (Raid 10, 50, and 60) can't be reconfigured. Which is why you see the option on a non spanned VD like a raid 1 or 5, but not on the spanned.


Let me know if this helps.



12 Posts

September 9th, 2022 00:00

Hello Chris,

well it's not exactly true. About RAID50/60 you have right. But RAID10 can be reconfigured with newer PERC firmware.

As I wrote, when I create RAID10 via BIOS (system setup), reconfiguration working as you can see on pictures here pic1 and pic2. I can add another disc's without problem and start restructualization.

Question is, how can I create non spanned VD RAID10 via Ansible if span_length and span_depth are mandatory parameters?



3.4K Posts

September 9th, 2022 01:00


which version of Ansible you are using?

Here for example is for version 4.0.0


Did you tried also span_length 1 and RAID 10?


12 Posts

September 9th, 2022 04:00

ansible 2.9.6
python version = 3.8.10 (default, Jun 22 2022, 20:18:18) [GCC 9.4.0]
Dell EMC OpenManage Ansible Modules v6.1.0


span_length: 1
span_depth: 2


span_length: 2
span_depth: 1


span_length: 1
span_depth: 1

all ended with: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Invalid physical disk slots or span length or span depth details."}



8.6K Posts

September 9th, 2022 05:00



Actually you are correct, I made a mistake in the controller and indeed with the H730p, you can expand a raid 10. Now there are some requirements to do so, such as it can be the only VD in the disk group in order to perform the online capacity expansion, amongst other things outlined here



12 Posts

September 9th, 2022 06:00

Yes, yes I know. But this not solve my situation. I am testing this on 4 HDD's only with 1VD RAID10. Then I want make reconfiguration on another 2 HDD's.



8.6K Posts

September 9th, 2022 08:00




Ok, so I believe I understand the issue you're facing now. You have a 4 drive raid 10 that you want to add 2 drives to for capacity expansion. Now while you can create a 6 drive raid 10 (essentially 3 mirrors), you can't reconfigure to add the 2 drives to the raid 10's current 2 mirrors. If you were to add 2 more additional drives, I believe that you would be able to reconfigure the existing 4 drive Raid 10 with 4 additional drives, but not with 2.



12 Posts

September 12th, 2022 06:00

Ok I tried this with 4+4 HDD's, same result. You are missing the main point that when I create RAID10 via system setup (with 4, 6 ,8 drives) I always see "reconfigure option". Via Ansible, I dont see it. Problem must be somewhere in ansible and way how he create RAID10.

12 Posts

September 13th, 2022 01:00

Thank you, creating this via Redfish works. So thats only way how to create RAID10 correctly. Not via idrac_storage.

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