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August 15th, 2022 05:00

Setting BIOS settings from C6420 from baseline system

I have a rack full of C6420's that I want to set to have identical BIOS settings. Now on older systems like the C6220 etc. I could set one system up how I wanted, save all the settings and then apply them to all the other systems using the setupbios tool. However, I can't find a way to do this on the C6420's. This page suggests it can be done with the setupbios tool, but the link takes me to the older poweredgec website and well that version does not support the C6420

It seems slightly doubtful that there is no way to set up a bunch of "cloud" servers to all have the same BIOS settings. So I must be missing something somewhere. I can see I could manually change individual settings using the RACADM tool but that is not terribly useful.


4 Operator


3K Posts

August 25th, 2022 07:00

Can you try -b option while importing the SCP configuration. Below is a sample command for same. Please note until unless you reboot the server the settings will not be applied

racadm set -t xml -f config.xml -b NoReboot

You can run the command racadm help set for more details on various options available. Below link also have same details 


4 Operator


3K Posts

August 15th, 2022 09:00

You can use iDRAC Server Configuration Profile(SCP) feature for this. You can configure one server with required setting. Once it is done you can download  SCP file for BIOS from iDRAC and use this file to import BIOS setting on other servers. You can find more details on this from below link 

3 Posts

August 25th, 2022 06:00

So I got this working, but for the life of me doing it from the command line, I can't find a way to stop the server from being immediately rebooted. From the web interface, it's not a problem but I don't want to be logging into a whole rack of servers individually thank you very much.

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