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This post is more than 5 years old


January 12th, 2014 13:00

Dell Venue Pro 8 Stylus Discontinued ?

I chose the Venue Pro 8, over similar products from competitors, because of the active stylus. In early December, I got the 64GB version (Microsoft Store), but the store was sold out of pens.

Since then, I have been patiently checking the website, which has consistently indicated "sold out."


But now:


A) The stylus has disappeared form the accessories page.

B) None of the bundles shipping from Dell.Com include the stylus.


Interestingly, a bunch of the photos and advertising collateral still include the stylus.

It would be great to have some feedback from Dell about the direction here. Does the Venue Pro 8 support an active stylus? If so, where could I buy one? Is there simply a temporary hold-up while some (apparent) fundamental design/technology problems are addressed, or a hiccup in the supply chain?

I must confess that right now I feel like I have made a purchase based on false advertising claims from Dell.


214 Posts

January 29th, 2014 09:00

I enthusiastically agree re. purchase & support thru either Ms retail or online store. However your ref. to $50 exchange fee startled me — must be a store-by-store option; took 3 attempts for me to get a 'keeper' — but no handling fees or service charges...

1 Message

February 2nd, 2014 21:00

I just read the threads and am amazed the patience that all of you demonstrated.  I was told by one of Dell's customer service rep that the stylus pen would be released on Jan.22. Apparently, Dell missed the date.  Then, another rep told me last week that there is a delay in releasing the stylus pen and does not have a new date for me.  So, now, I'm still waiting for the release just as everyone else.  One thing I have experienced is that I upgrade my Pro 8 firmware that fixed the stylus display issue.  After the upgrade, I found my Venue Pro 8 becomes much more responsive and the touch screen becomes very sensitive ether on Windows 8 App screen or on the desktop screen  It used to be very lagging on the desktop screen.  Now, no more lagging after the firmware upgrade,  So, I'm happier now after the firmware upgrade.  I encourage you to upgrade the firmware if you have not done so.

9 Posts

February 13th, 2014 12:00

I agree with the false advertising, I, as many others, bought this product on the assumption (oops) of a WORKING stylus. I guess Dell needed the sales! I am starting to believe they pushed this out on a "good enough for now, we will iron out the bugs with the NEW IMPROVED next model" I find this is increasingly "the norm" , in todays technology products. It's the "so sorry, so sad, buy another, and hope it works" mantra, we got your money, now wait for us to fix it. I can't even flog this without warning a potential buyer of this issue.
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