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This post is more than 5 years old


January 11th, 2012 16:00

HELP Please!!!

I have a Dell Streak 7 3G from QVC.  I love it to pieces, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to store things (i.e. apps, pictures, videos, books) on the SD card.  I have tons of space in the tablet still, but I'd like to free up some of the space and put it on the 16gb SD card I got for it.  I can't "see" it anywhere.  If someone could please help me with this I'd certainly appreciate the effort!!


Thanks so much in advance,


126 Posts

January 12th, 2012 05:00

Hi you need a filemanager goto the marketplace and download one I use astro filemanager but there are many to choose from..using your filemanager similary like windows explorer you can move your chosen medias from the inbuilt SDcard to your added SDcard2,,just remember to only move things like movies,photos,music ,docs ect and not installed application files datas ,you can move your downloaded apps installers to sdcard2 though as storage backup apps

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