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September 8th, 2015 17:00

Made a big mistake trying to get rid of partitions on Venue 8 Pro. OS will not load anymore!


                  First time on this type of forum so I hope what I write makes sense.  So, here it goes.  I upgraded my Venue 8 Pro to Windows 10 and after the upgrade it kept telling me that I needed to make some space on the disk.  I looked and there were not many programs I could removed and so looked further and found that there were 2 partitions that had almost 6 gigs assigned to them that were not used.  I tried to reclaim that space.  I first did a recovery copy on the micro SD and that seemed to work fine.  I then fiddled around until I was able to remove the 5+ gb partition and reallocate it to the main partition.  The second partition (about 750mb) I was able to free up but as it was before the main partition I was not able to reclaim the space into the main partition.  I downloaded a recommended utility to try and move it after the main partition so I could reclaim it like the other one.  Everything seemed to work but then it came to a crashing halt and I got a blue Windows screen saying that "the application or operating system couldn't be loaded....".  I figured out how to get into the bios to see if I could change the boot order, I created a windows 10 bootable USB and after much work finally got the tablet to start from the USB.  At that point, Windows 10 wanted to re-install (which I am fine with) but the only problem is that the touch screen no longer responds!  I guess the driver is not loaded on a USB boot.

Now I am stomped.  I really don't know how to go any further.  Is there a way to get the drivers to load from the USB key?  Can I send my tablet to some magical place where qualified technicians will re-build it for me?

Any help or moral support would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


915 Posts

September 8th, 2015 19:00

How about, go through the process and when you need to use the touchscreen, attach via the microUSB port and a USB OTG adapter a wired keyboard (and a wired mouse, if needed, via a multiUSB adapter attached to the USB OTG adapter), and then complete the install that way?  At that point, you can download the needed drivers from the Dell product support webpage and gain your touchscreen capability back. 

11 Posts

September 13th, 2015 08:00

Dell's own recommendation for re-imaging from scratch involves using a USB hub so you can plug in multiple devices at once. You can get hold of a cheap USB 2.0 hub for very little money and connect a USB keyboard and your Windows bootable USB.

Once you get booted into the Windows setup, choose custom install and delete all the existing partitions until you have an empty disk. You can then select the unallocated space, click Next and let the installer create the required partitions. This way you will have the minimum install footprint. Good luck!

2 Posts

September 18th, 2015 06:00

A combination of the two answers below, a lot of searching on the web and some serious sweat equity allowed me to bring the tablet back to life on Windows 10. 

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