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This post is more than 5 years old


August 15th, 2010 10:00

New streak switching off randomly in my pocket


I've got my new streak on Friday last week & I am desperate.

I planned to use it as a phone, but when I put it into my pocket it randomly turns off or restars. When I use it in my hands no issue, but when in the pocket of my jeans it randomly turns off or restarts.

This is happening on complelty empty streak (after factory reset that I have performed in order to exclude another app as root cause of the issue) 

I have noticed that pressing power button even in screen lock mode brings up menu where device can be turned off. This menu is active even though screeen is locked (very stupid). My suspicion is that this happens randomly in my pocket . 

Any help / advice ? I am desperate! Love it, but if I can't use it as phone (& I cannot when it randomly turns off) I'll need to return it back . Is there any way to deactivate power button when in locked mode ? (



9 Posts

August 18th, 2010 04:00

Did you know that the Streak will automatically shut itself off if the battery door is opened for more than a second or so? When inserting and removing the Streak from your jeans pocket, the battery door may have slid such that the contacts were no longer aligned and the auto shutdown activated. There is currently no way to disable this protection scheme. Make sure that the battery door on your Streak is secured before placing it in your jeans pocket and/or take extra care when inserting/removing it; the microfiber pouch that was included with the Streak may reduce the likelihood of this circumstance.

If this doesn't fix the problem, I'd still be hesitant to say that the power button is the culprit. If you press the power button, it requires using the touch screen to do a normal shutdown. Because the touch mechanism is capacitive not resistive, direct or near-direct contact with a conductive surface (denim does not qualify) is necessary to register. If your screen is facing your leg while in your pocket, it may register through the pocket lining, but to consistently and accurately strike that position on the screen is not likely. Try keeping the screen facing outwards (more risk of damage in a fall, though) to see if that helps. If you hold the power button for several seconds continuously, you will force a hard shutdown (not recommended unless absolutely necessary). The button is small and doesn't stick out very far. The small size in relation to the surface area of that edge means that you'd have to have very tight pockets in order to depress the button for that long. In that case, you really shouldn't be using your pocket to hold your Streak. Such is the price we pay for such a large phone.

11 Posts

August 18th, 2010 05:00

Sakanagai thanks for your suggestions.  indeed it will be probably the battery cover (even though at first glance it seems to be closed tightly) I will give it another try & if it doesn't work I 'll probably return it . I need my phone to be reliable  (even though Streak is marketed as tablet :-) )

1 Message

August 25th, 2010 07:00

i have been having this problem aswell and untill this morning thought it was only when it is in my pocket but i had it out this morning and was saving a contact n it jus came up with the "powering off" message and turned off.. no idea why but thought i'd mention since it happened to me out of pocket, and i have tthe dell plastic case thing so is unlikley to be the back cover, gaz (also belive it or not it happened while i was typing this post half way through ending it with my name lol)

18 Posts

August 25th, 2010 08:00

The answer seems to be that the back of the unit does not hold the battery in place and the battery contacts sometimes disconnect causing the unit to switch off.

One solution seems to be to glue a thin piece of card onto the back of the battery to keep it hard down against the battery contacts.

Otherwise if your not happy get a new unit from your supplier. I did this with no problems.

Hope this helps.

18 Posts

September 8th, 2010 02:00

Do the thin card fix. Cut a piece of thin card and place or tack it to the back of the battery. This holds the battery in place and stops the contacts disconnecting from the battery. This had worked for many people. Even with a replacement unit I got for another fault - the second unit did the same. The card trick cured the problem on both units. Try it!!

11 Posts

September 8th, 2010 02:00

I had the issue with random restarts of dell streak. I have decided to ask for replacement. yesterday my replacement arrived & brand new streak has exactly the same behavior :-( when my my jeans pocket it simply restarts!


11 Posts

September 8th, 2010 06:00

I will give it a try, however looking at the battery it fits fine, I have even troubles to get it out from the phone ....  which side of the battery do you recommend to stick the card to ? the one facing phone or the one facing the cover ?


18 Posts

September 8th, 2010 07:00

Stick it on the back of the battery facing the cover as it appears that there is a very slight gap between the battery and cover and it can fractionally move causing a contact to disconnect. You can prove it by tapping the phone gently with the back down on a table or some surface. It probably is caused by some slight distortion of the back plate during fitting and sliding it on. Its not very thick metal. Hope this works for you and others with this problem.

11 Posts

September 9th, 2010 09:00

Knocking on the wood, but I have done the trick with piece of paper card (in fact used my visit card) & there was no restart since I've sticked it to the battery !!!

Thanks a lot for the advice !


4 Posts

September 9th, 2010 14:00

Over the last 2 days my Dell Streak (Android 2.1)  shut down by itself several times for no apparent reason.. And the power button became unresponsive.. Only solution was to pull the battery out and put it back in.. Hated having to do that.. And the battery cover is incredibly difficult to remove and reinsert.. This happened not just in my pocket, but on my desktop too and once when I was in the middle of a phone call (yeah, I use the phone too).. I'm just hoping it's the update that's messing up and that Dell will put out a fix ASAP..



Roshan M.

September 16th, 2010 11:00

I wonder if it has something to do with the 2 copper contacts losing contact with the back cover?

September 16th, 2010 12:00

Not too sure what I wrote that caused the whole post to disappear?


But if I turn over the phone so I can see the 'Dell' battery cover, and knock on the 'Dell' symbol with my knuckle, the phone will shut off!!!  :emotion-3:

 I cut a business card in half and made a small ~1/4 inch fold (thickness of batterry) on one end, removed the battery and slipped this in there to preload tension on the battery so it pushes the battery a small amount toward the contacts. It also puts a slight amount of pressure on the back cover.


This seems to be working right now, but we will see.

September 16th, 2010 16:00

Of course today when I go to remove the phone from the Dell car holder it shuts off again. :emotion-9:


I think the twisting, sliding, action does something to the back cover plate, maybe?

4 Posts

October 13th, 2010 08:00

I am having the same problem as this and RoshanMani


Even with the phone sitting on my desktop it randomyl powers off; no indication that this has happened, so I often don't notice until I touch the screen\power button and nothing happens. This is only fixed by removing the battery

I've also had problems where the vibration mode has kicked in and won't cease until the battery removed.

This is rubbish for a phone which is supposedly designed for everyday use, and whose design should reflec this. Having hardware crashes of this type smacks of poor testing in development.


Hopefully these issues will be resolved with Froyo, but if not I'll be complaining to O2\Dell for a phone that is clearly "not fit for purpose" and looking for a refund.



October 13th, 2010 13:00

I was offered a replacement but after putting a small twist to the back cover, it phone stoped shutting off random. Pull the cover off and put the smallest bow in the back cover. you cannot even see the bow it is that slight.


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