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This post is more than 5 years old


December 28th, 2013 08:00

Venue 8 Pro - Rapid Battery Decline issue

Checking if others have this issue as well.

I have been having many issues with the Venue 8 Pro, and am about to receive my third replacement (fingers crossed).

However, I have noticed something on the two I have used so far. VERY RAPID BATTERY CAPACITY DECLINE.

Windows 8 has a nifty Battery Information feature that's hidden, but very very useful. I ran it, and noticed that after 4-5 charge cycles I have already lost 10% of my original battery capacity. This is an excessive;y rapid decline in battery health.

I wanted to see if others have this issue as well. If others have the same problem, that's a very serious issue. 

Hoping to learn more, and if this is an issue others are having, I may return the Venue 8 Pro until Dell comes out with a hardware revision (not sure this is firmware fixable)

Here is how to run the Battery Report in Windows 8/8.1

1. Open a command prompt.

2. In the command prompt, copy and paste the command below, and press Enter.
powercfg /batteryreport

1 Message

December 30th, 2013 17:00

Thank you for your sharing. Same issue in my Venue 8 pro . After 12 chafge cycles , I have lost 7% of  bettery capacity.

25 Posts

December 30th, 2013 21:00

Just a heads up -- many users are having a problem with excessive battery drain on connected standby. This causes the device to lose battery rapidly overnight (sometimes to the tune of 40 or 50%). This is severely damaging to the longevity of the battery and may be what is reflected in your numbers. Mine has fallen to 96 after 4 cycles...

January 6th, 2014 17:00

I posted this separately at:

Specifically, the link below providing logging help and usage for Microsoft Windows Powercfg.exe may help some users diagnose battery usage and troubles.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Possible solution for some users...

I purchased a Dell Venue 8 Pro, and recently began experiencing unexpected battery drain.  I had left the device fully charged, and returning 18 hours later it was completely discharged.

After some research, I realized I was suffering from having installed current Display Link software drivers (downloaded December 2013, version 7.5M0).  I wanted to see if I could get large desktop going.  Anyway, this is a known issue:

The symptom is that Intel's graphics processor remains at 100% usage even when the display is sleeping and off.  I figured out how to generate a report for my own device by following the guidance at this page:

Open the Command Prompt, and enter:

c:> powercfg.exe /sleepstudy

In the report that was generated, I clicked on one particularly draining Connect Standby session, and confirmed the "top offender" was Intel Graphics / fx at 100%.

Uninstalling the Display Link software has seemed to help.

4 Posts

January 8th, 2014 18:00

Thanks for that info, that would definitely help with the battery drainage. However, the battery capacity is still rapidly diminishing. From some of the other comments I read it seems to be a prevalent issue. I notice some services that drain the battery, however it really shouldn't decline at the rate it is.

1 Message

January 13th, 2014 22:00

I just got a brand new Dell Venue 8 Pro.  When I installed HWMonitor, my battery wear was at 10%.  After a day, it was at 11%.  Is my unit defective?  Should I return it?  I think I am going to, this is unacceptable.  My laptop is over a year old and has a perfect battery with no wear.

January 16th, 2014 13:00

DV8Pro is not the only device with this issue. My DV11Pro also shows only 96% after only few days and couple of charges. At this rate, the battery won't last more than 6 months.

4 Posts

January 16th, 2014 13:00

I would not be surprised to see the DV11Pro and DV8Pro have similar battery technology and manufacturer. Yes, batteries degrade over time - however with these batteries it's nuts and well beyond the expected rate. Does anyone know if Dell reads these support forums?

1 Message

January 16th, 2014 17:00


I had similar battery problem. 3% wear after 10 cycles. After long debate, they agreed to send a replacement. Now even the replacement one has similar problem and this time its worse. 3% wear after 3 cycles

Something is terribly wrong with the hardware. I havent drained battery beyond 15% and have been doing partial recharges. I dont know what to do this time. I seriously doubt if dell is ignoring this issue on purpose.


4 Posts

January 19th, 2014 23:00

My brand new 32gb venue 8 pro has 8% wear out of the box.  2 days later and it hasn't got any better...

31 Posts

January 20th, 2014 00:00

I know this thread is about the Venue 8, but I have a Venue 11 Pro and I've already lost 7% of the battery life on this and it's not even a month old.

I haven't really been tracking my battery usage, I just installed HWmonitor now. I am not sure what it started out with. I'll be keeping an eye on it to see how often it inches up. It stays plugged into a wall since I haven't been out and about after getting home from traveling over Christmas/New Years. Losing 7% in less than a month given my usage seems pretty terrible to begin with - at that rate in just 6 months the battery will be pure garbage.

17 Posts

July 15th, 2014 02:00

Me too... DV8P, 1 month old, 10 charging cycles and 3,2% wear.

Thats not OK.

Any solution so far? Exchanging the device doesn't help from what I've read...

17 Posts

July 15th, 2014 07:00

Read that too... but not sure if thats really a fault or I can ignore it ;)

915 Posts

July 15th, 2014 07:00

Have read that the "wear" estimates are greatly inaccurate, and that one should just ignore them and enjoy . . . .
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