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This post is more than 5 years old



September 22nd, 2004 22:00

SP2 is vulnerable to Nachi/Welshia! ZA said dot surrogate tried to access net and it's proabbly Nachia

But ZA won't detect it and neither will stinger or Nachi removal tool. Spybot and adaware don't either. So I'm not sure it's welchi nachia except that com surrogate tried to access and za auto suggested it was nachia. I don't know what to do. Not much instruction on net for getting rid of it. What I cannot believe is that with sp2 and ZA and router I STILL got this . I even discombobolated!

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

September 23rd, 2004 12:00


Welcome to the Dell Community Forum (DCF).
Symantec picks it up. What virus scanning software are you running?

(I) Boot into Diagnostic mode
* Click Start- Run
* Type msconfig
* Click OK
* Insert a dot to "Selective Startup"
* Remove the check from "Load Startup Items"
* Click Apply- OK- Yes to restart the system
* Once back into windows, close any messages

(II) Free Virus Scanner
* Click here
* Click "Scan Now. It's Free!"
* Choose your country, click Go
* Give it 5 or 10 minutes to build the first time
* Put checks by your hard disk drive, floppy, or zip disk letters
(whatever needs scanning)
* Click "Scan" and "Autoclean"
* Close all boxes when finished
* Click Start- Windows Updates
* Click Scan for Updates
* Load all Critical Updates
* When finished scanning, close all boxes
* Notate for us what virus it found and cleaned or couldn't clean

(III) Boot into Normal mode
* Click Start- Run
* Type msconfig
* Click OK
* Insert a dot to "Normal Startup"
* Click Apply- OK- Yes to restart the system
* Once back into windows, close any messages
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