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3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts


October 3rd, 2023 12:39

Updates 10/3/23 - PaleMoon

PaleMoon v32.4.1 (2023-10-03)

This is a bugfix and security update.


  • Fixed an issue in BigInt typedArray costructors.
  • Added some safety checks for Performance Observers.
  • Fixed JSON BigInt regressions.
  • Fixed missing BigInt increment/decrement operations.
  • Added WASM sign extension opcodes.
  • Fixed an issue with dead Promise wrappers in JavaScript DiD
  • Fixed an issue with Alternative Services DiD
  • Fixed an issue with libvpx (address CVE-2023-5217) DiD

Note:  DiD This means that a fix is "Defense-in-Depth".


Available via the internal updater:   Help / Check for Updates


or Full downloads:   Pale Moon for Windows downloads

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