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3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts


September 8th, 2023 18:00

Updates 9/8/23 - MalwareBytes

The following was copied/pasted from Malwarebytes 4.6 - Malwarebytes for Windows Support Forum - Malwarebytes Forums

Hello to our friends in the Malwarebytes community,

Malwarebytes v4.6.2.281 component package 1.0.2131 is available now.

You can get the update right away by clicking "Check for updates" in Settings > General. Or, it will be automatically installed if you have automatic updates enabled.

Features and improvements

  • Option to restore monitoring for ignored items in Trusted Advisor
  • Trusted Advisor items in ignored state remain ignored until manually removed
  • Enhanced Windows Security Center integration for Trusted Advisor
  • Improved display logic for Trusted Advisor notifications
  • Minor improvements for 4k resolution support

Issues fixed

  • Localization issues with Trusted Advisor protection score
  • Monthly Summary reports incorrect number of scheduled scans
  • False reports of issues with Windows update in Trusted Advisor
  • Localization issues with Scan reminder notifications
  • Browser Guard integration crash occurrences
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