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August 19th, 2013 06:00

Pre-VMworld Review with Chuck Hollis, New VMware Employee

Hello community members, my friend and colleague Matthew Yeager had a wonderful write up of an event the #emcelect hosted this past week. As he said it here, it was an:

As insightful a 45 minutes as one is likely to spend discussing the emerging space that is the software defined datacentre and, firstly disclosing myself as a card carrying member of the Chuck Hollis Appreciation Society, it is truly fascinating to listen to the insights of an industry veteran who, after having spent 18 years within the world’s largest data storage company, has now made the decision to take the leap into a far more software centric organisation in VMware.

You can watch the entire video below. We can't wait to see you all at VMworld, online or in person!

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