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December 15th, 2016 22:00

Configure NFS on VNX


I have one project of implementing NFS on VNX. I have already done using below method in my previous projects;

"Creating File Storage Pool using Block Storage Pool" and then creating NFS

But I want to know that apart from the above method, are below method better to for NFS?

1) Storage Pool for Files


2) Disk Provisioning Wizard for Files


December 21st, 2016 12:00

The best way is create a "Storage Pool" dedicated for file purposes. If you use the "Disk Provisioning Wizard for Files", the systems will create classic RAID Groups with the disks, and that could be a problem if you want to add more space (disks) to the system in the future.

Remember that you have to follow the best practices when you create the base block LUNs.

  • Create approximately 1 LUN for every 4 drives in the storage pool
  • Create LUNs in even multiples of 10
  • Number of LUNs = (number of drives in pool divided by 4), rounded up to nearest multiple of 10
  • Make all LUNs the same size
  • Balance LUN ownership across SPA and SPB
  • Apply the same tiering policies to all LUNs in the storage pool
  • File-based space efficiency features are generally recommended over Block

All the recommendations are in the "EMC VNX2 Unified Best Practices for Performance" document. Page 20, 21.


119 Posts

January 5th, 2017 02:00

Thanks for the reply. 2 things;

1) How to expand System Defined Storage Pool in future

2) What kind of problem can be faced for point 1


January 5th, 2017 05:00

You should consider the actual configuration, i mean, the size of actual LUNs masked to the ~filestorage Storage Group.

Create more LUNs with the same size and in multiplies of 10, inside the same Storage Pool.

The AVM will do his job expanding the Storage Pool for File.

119 Posts

January 5th, 2017 20:00

You have referenced for creating LUNs and assignging to ~ filestorage group. I am aware of that process and BP to follow and also you have already mentioned earlier.

Thing I want to know is w.r.t your comment "If you use the "Disk Provisioning Wizard for Files", the systems will create classic RAID Groups with the disks, and that could be a problem if you want to add more space (disks) to the system in the future." ;

1) How to expand System Defined Storage Pool in future

2) What kind of problem can be faced for point 1 if expansion is required in future.


8.6K Posts

January 16th, 2017 21:00

if you really really care then please see the AVM and MVM manuals that explain the concepts behind it.

System pools expand automatically

I agree with Francisco though to just go with the storage pool for file

18 Posts

January 18th, 2017 05:00

Agree with Rainer & Francisco.

I think you just understand your requirement for File Storage (Usable Block Capacity + 10 %) and create Block Storage Pool (using raw disks).
Then create Block Storage luns in the multiple of 5 or preferably 10 and assign them to Storage Group ~Filestorage (nothing but your Data Movers). Ensure to assign HLU ID to these luns from 16 onwards.

Once done then just open your unisphere -> Storage and check on Left hand panels File Storage Actions. Under this you will find the link referring "Rescan Storage Systems". Clicking this you are actually creating "Storage Pool for File" which Francisco is referring for AVM.

From this system generated "Storage Pool for File" under Unisphere -> Storage -> Storage Configuration you can see, modify the attributes for newly created one. However, you just need to rest assure and not required actually to do anything specific.

Then onwards you can go ahead and create Filesystems to provision your NFS shares with or without Tree Quotas.

On your question on 'What kind of problem faced for Question 1'.
I dont see any problems here as to avoid performance and management problems these guys suggesting seperate Block Pool for File Storage.

Also, the system created "Storage Pool for File" you extend based on following above method only after allocating new block luns to Storage Group ~FileStorage.

As rightly mentioned Franciso refer VNX Best Practice document and for demo search FileStorage VNX & NFS share on youtube EMC channel.

Hope, that helps.

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