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1 Message


February 10th, 2023 08:00

Problem to access VNXe 3150 over Serial Port

I got an a VNXe 3150 from another client, but he dont remember ips and usernames, i try to  access over mini db9 port but not show any log in the console

¿Someone can guide me how to access to this vnx?

62 Posts

February 10th, 2023 17:00

bond rate 9600 and reseat controller again. If the controller is good, then you will see the sonsole output. 

3 Apprentice


412 Posts

February 15th, 2023 03:00

check the Serial console cable properly and do check if another controller is showing something or not.

1. Baude rate as shared by @tianchou .

2. Reboot the controller one by one with planned downtime.

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