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6 Posts


February 14th, 2023 05:00

New Vostro 3910 locking up

I purchased an 7050 sff for my in-laws. Every day or so it just locks up, mouse and keyboard do not respond. The only way to get it working again is to hard power it off. It does not show anything in the event viewer other than the hard power off. I contacted dell support and they had me check all the drivers and update them as well as the bios too. After about an hour on the phone with support they decided that the ssd needed to be upgraded at an additional cost. ( keep in mind this system is two months old ) The problem arose the first day it was used, however I was not able to look at it until after the first month was over. So, they will not return it. 

My question is has anyone else run into a problem like this and can offer anything else to try before throwing more money at it in hopes if maybe fixing the problem ? Thanks for any help. 

February 14th, 2023 06:00

Thank you, I have run the diagnostics check in the bios as well as in windows. Both showed no errors. The tech said that because none of the components failed the test that Dell will not do the repair. She thinks it's due to high demand on the ssd. I really doubt that being the users are in their 70s and really only use chrome a few times a day. 

I will try the memory test you suggested.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 14th, 2023 14:00

Yeah, it's hard being intermediate tech support for wives and family members. Probably why you helped them buy the Dell in the first place ... you just wanted something pre-built and working, right?

Yes, bootable will test memory (and much of motherboard) outside of Windows.

ePSA Diagnostics (outside of Windows) passes, which is good.

The Dell tech's explanation for the SSD to be replaced doesn't make much sense. I suggest you read it's SMART-status with Crystal Disk-Info or PassMark's SMART utility. If it passes, it's likely fine.

Check Windows Reliability History report for ANY (red) critical errors. Those eventually drag it down.

If you get this far without noticing anything, see my post in this thread and the links to the other thread I provided.

7 Technologist


11K Posts

February 14th, 2023 18:00

Re: I purchased an 7050 sff. Every day or so it just locks up, mouse and keyboard do not respond.

Is this a refurbished pc?  The Dell OptiPlex 7050 SFF is a pre-built business desktop computer first released in 2017.  Is the OS on the pc installed by a third party?

I would try do a clean Windows 10 install and test again.

February 15th, 2023 03:00

No, it is brand new eight hundred and fifty dollar machine. It came with Windows 11 installed. I do wonder if that is not the problem. The bios update only lists windows 10 and the system has windows 11. I did ask the tech and she said it was fine. 

February 15th, 2023 03:00

Exactly, they had an older machine that I had to go over there often to help them out. I told them to buy this figuring a few years I would not have to worry about it. So, yeah now I am in the middle. 

I agree, I was kinda blown away with the Dell tech response. Pushing an upgrade and refusing to cover it under warranty. Dell us to be fantastic taking care of stuff like this when it came up. 

But, thank you I will try the memory test the next time I get over there. 

February 15th, 2023 04:00

My apologies, I looked at the order page before listing and wrote down the wrong one. The have a Vostro Desktop 3910. It came with Windows 11 installed. I do wonder if that is not the problem. The bios update only lists windows 10 and the system has windows 11. I did ask the tech and she said it was fine. 

March 10th, 2023 01:00

If your New Vostro 3910 is locking up, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check for software updates: Make sure your operating system and drivers are up to date. Check for updates using Windows Update or the manufacturer's website.

  2. Run a virus scan: Use your antivirus software to scan your system for viruses or malware that could be causing the lockups.

  3. Check for overheating: Overheating can cause a system to lock up. Make sure your system has proper ventilation, and use a tool like HWMonitor to check your system's temperature.

  4. Run hardware diagnostics: Dell provides built-in hardware diagnostics that you can run to check for issues with your hardware. To access them, restart your computer and press the F12 key when the Dell logo appears.

  5. Check for faulty hardware: If the hardware diagnostics indicate an issue, you may need to replace the faulty hardware component.




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