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December 4th, 2023 08:54

VXRail Update Manger connects to wrong witness IP

Hey there,

trying to make this as short as possible.

VXrail, Stretched Cluster.  

When trying to update the witness via the vxrail manager update process it cancels out immidiately.

Vxverify tool shows, that the manager tries to connect to the witness via the "wrong" ip adress (witness network instead of management network).

When checking the Postgre Database via

"select * from configuration.configuration where key = 'witness_vm_host';"

I get nothing.

What am I missing?



8.6K Posts

December 4th, 2023 15:11


Thanks for your question.

Which model Vxrail is it? What version are you on and upgrading to?




Let us know if you have any additional questions.

5 Posts

December 4th, 2023 15:29

I have a similar issue, where i have 3 2 nodes VD-4000 clusters deployed in one vCenter. When i try to update cluster 2 and 3, is will not verify my credentials and from the lcm-web.log I can see i tries to connect to the witness in the first deployed cluster, the same issue on both second and third deployed cluster.



8.6K Posts

04-12-2023 15:42 PM


Thanks for your question.

Which OS version?




Let us know if you have any additional questions.



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