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This post is more than 5 years old


February 25th, 2010 15:00

Cannot repair tcpmon.ini

When running SFC on my brand new Alienware which is less then a week old it claims this file is corrupt but cannot fix it. Is this an issue and something I should be worried about? I'm running Windows 7.

November 2nd, 2012 19:00

I did exactly the same thing and it worked.  Thanks.

I have a 32 bit Inspiron and a 64 bit studio.  The Studio is the one with the tcpmon.ini problem identified by sfc/scannow.

sfs/scannow reported no errors on the 32 bit machine.

So I copied tcpmon.ini from the 32 bit machine to the 64 bit machine.

Then I ran sfc/scannow on 64 bit machine and were no reported errors.

This has also fixed my problem with Windows Explorer crashing.

It could be that the tcpmon.ini glitch was causing Windows Explorer to go off into an infinite loop and crash.

I used to only have the Explorer issue after doing a lot of printing. 

Anyway, with tcpmon.ini fixed, the Windows Explorer problem has also gone away.


18 Posts

April 26th, 2013 00:00

After running SFC/Scannow I'm Having the same problem with the tcpmon.ini reported here, I'm trouble-shooting a issue with XPS 9000 W7 crashing while on hibernation mode (error 41) and would like to eliminate this issue from the list. (also getting sporadic windows explorer crashes/re-starts)

I don't have any other unit from where to copy this file so I followed the steps described on the first page to use the win7 OEM cd included with this machine, but I don't understand how to get SFC/scannow command to look for the damaged file in the drive containing the OEM CD.

Could someone here explain how to extract this file from the OEM-W7 CD? or

I'm I supposed to run a repair using the OEM CD?

This W7 Home premium edition has been updated to SP1, will the original TCPmon.ini file contained in the OEM CD work with this SP1 upgraded version?

3 Posts

July 23rd, 2013 11:00

You can extract an ISO with 7-Zip for free.

3 Posts

July 23rd, 2013 11:00

I have a computer business and have performed over 100 factory resets/restores/recovers on Dell computers.  I have ran sfc /scannow right after a recovery and get the very same tcpmon-ini errors.  The Dell factory image is not good but it has been this way for a long time.  I just wanted to let you know that doing a factory reset will NOT correct the problem.

9 Legend


47K Posts

July 25th, 2013 11:00

Windows 7 does not depend on 16 bit DOS ini files.

This is likely a malware issue like  W.32.Sasser Worm

If it is corrupt and SFC can't repair it you need to re-install Windows to fix the problem.

CSI    000001a2 Hashes for file member \??\C:\Windows\System32\tcpmon.ini do not match actual file [l:20{10}]"tcpmon.ini" :

 Found: {l:32 b:as3OOcx5px0XiJa7f7s9BVvlW/FFlKR4NMU/T+UP/Kg=} Expected: {l:32 b:ENtKeUct91LKlHclgfWTvnCdCOHHwDe+SYrPzZTTezU=}

2010-05-13 07:55:00, Info                  CSI    000001a3 Hashes for file member \SystemRoot\WinSxS\x86_microsoft-windows-p..rtmonitor-tcpmonini_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_d278d2aaa749970e\tcpmon.ini do not match actual file [l:20{10}]"tcpmon.ini" :

20 Posts

August 4th, 2013 06:00

See - it includes the commands that will let you continue.

I've actually copied in a good TCPMON.ini without success.  Also having a similar problem with Settings.ini!!!


This is the solution!

20 Posts

August 4th, 2013 06:00

You have an alternate issue.  Start a different thread.  Anyone here with eyeball12's error messages should NOT re-install Windows to fix the problem.  Please don't confuse or panic other users by relaying false necessities for Windows re-installation.

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