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This post is more than 5 years old


July 31st, 2009 23:00

hope i am in the right place

i reformated my dell dimension and i downloaded explorer 8 because firefox kept on crashing well i deleted it and now i am using

EI8 it wont let me go onto a site called farmtown it'll crash alot there and anywhere else well foxfire did IE8 says i need to download\

flashplayer 10 activex well i have this and it still crashes or wont let me on why? what do i need to do to resolve this issue it has

been going on for about 2days now and i feel like throwing this out the window what browser can i use? nothing will let me on this

site i used to be able to go on it and with foxfire i did but like i said it kept crashing and now this says it needs flashplayer i have it

what can i do please help me

10 Elder


46K Posts

August 1st, 2009 15:00


As this is Non-Hardware, a good place to post this in, would be the Software & Operating > Microsoft OS forum HERE.

A hint: It would help members to include the computer model and the version of windows in the post.    :emotion-5:


57 Posts

August 9th, 2009 17:00

its ok i found out that the server is down on on farmtown that it has nothing to do with my computer thanks anyway

57 Posts

August 10th, 2009 03:00

but to help you i have a dell dimension 2400 windows xp thanks again tho the place i go is face book and there is a game called

farmtown and it is really fun, well come to find out these people who made the game didnt think that it would go over as well as it

did and the server's they have arent doing the job. anyway people have been re doing there computers and downloading new

browsers and it isnt working and it is there end so we just have to wait.

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